Thursday, April 17, 2008

Imagine This

In this age of concern about carbon dioxide, climate change, renewable energy, and energy costs, the bicycle world is at the forefront of the solutions list. In fact, we've been way ahead of the curve. New solutions are on the way. Here are a few possibilities.
Seen here is a bicycle taxi. Certainly this is the wave of the future for downtown LA, Long Beach, and other beach cities.

Below is a better solution for getting the kids the 6 blocks to school. School systems throughout the South Bay should allow moms using one of these to have the best drop off spot.

Finally, below is the answer for the Harbor Fwy. The truck traffic coming from the harbor could be dramatically reduced if we could move to bicycle transportation. It is also possible to imagine a major reduction in use of fossil fuels if all UPS and FedEx deliveries were switched to similar trucks.

By the way, these three bicycles are in actual use for the applications shown in Holland, England, and India. No evidence that any importers are planning to sell them in the US.

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